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The Proud Emperor of Eternity Characters and Plot
Waking up the palm of his hand to kill with his sword, lying drunk on the knees of a beautiful woman, a generation of mad emperors was reborn against the will of heaven. Chu Kuangsheng lived in Shiyang City, a remote city in the Shenlong Empire. He was the son of the head of the Chu family in Shiyang City. He was born weak and unable to practice, and became a joke for the entire Shiyang City. Three years ago, Chu Kuangsheng’s parents were away on business and both of them disappeared and their whereabouts were unknown. Chu Liu’er, the older sister who was supposed to succeed the head of the Chu family, was also suffering from a strange illness. Since then, Chu Kuangsheng’s situation has become increasingly difficult. In an accident, Chu Kuangsheng inherited the secrets of the Chu family’s ancestors and reshaped his meridians. Since then, Chu Kuangsheng’s cultivation has progressed rapidly. On the surface, he is cowardly and incompetent, but his other identity is that he is a world-famous expert in madness. Chu Kuangsheng discovered that the clan eldest elder’s collusion with outsiders seemed to be related to his parents’ disappearance. In order not to alert others, Chu Kuangsheng used the identity of Kuangzun to secretly befriend heroes, gather strength, and search for information. He has one face and two identities. After eliminating the traitors in his family, in order to find out the truth behind his parents’ disappearance, Chu Kuangsheng walked out of the small town of Shiyang and went to the Four Spirits Academy to study under his teacher and follow his instructions. Chu Kuangsheng swung his sword to cut down enemies, fought against the heroes of the Nine Heavens, and became famous in the universe. I am the master of thousands of realms.
Membangunkan telapak tangannya untuk membunuh dengan pedangnya, terbaring mabuk di atas lutut seorang wanita cantik, generasi kaisar gila terlahir kembali melawan kehendak surga. Chu Kuangsheng tinggal di Kota Shiyang, sebuah kota terpencil di Kekaisaran Shenlong. Dia adalah putra dari kepala keluarga Chu di Kota Shiyang. Ia terlahir lemah dan tidak bisa berlatih, dan menjadi lelucon bagi seluruh Kota Shiyang. Tiga tahun lalu, orang tua Chu Kuangsheng sedang pergi untuk urusan bisnis dan keduanya menghilang dan keberadaan mereka tidak diketahui. Chu Liu’er, kakak perempuan yang seharusnya menggantikan kepala keluarga Chu, juga menderita penyakit aneh. Sejak itu, situasi Chu Kuangsheng menjadi semakin sulit. Dalam suatu kecelakaan, Chu Kuangsheng mewarisi rahasia leluhur keluarga Chu dan membentuk kembali meridiannya. Sejak itu, budidaya Chu Kuangsheng mengalami kemajuan pesat. Di permukaan, dia pengecut dan tidak kompeten, tetapi identitas lainnya adalah dia adalah seorang ahli gila yang terkenal di dunia. Chu Kuangsheng menemukan bahwa kolusi tetua tertua klan dengan orang luar tampaknya terkait dengan hilangnya orang tuanya. Agar tidak mengingatkan orang lain, Chu Kuangsheng menggunakan identitas Kuangzun untuk diam-diam berteman dengan pahlawan, mengumpulkan kekuatan, dan mencari informasi. Dia memiliki satu wajah dan dua identitas. Setelah membasmi pengkhianat di keluarganya, untuk mengetahui kebenaran di balik hilangnya orang tuanya, Chu Kuangsheng berjalan keluar dari kota kecil Shiyang dan pergi ke Akademi Empat Roh untuk belajar di bawah bimbingan gurunya dan mengikuti petunjuknya. Chu Kuangsheng mengayunkan pedangnya untuk menebas musuh, berperang melawan para pahlawan Sembilan Surga, dan menjadi terkenal di alam semesta. Saya adalah penguasa ribuan alam.
The Proud Emperor of Eternity Release Date
The Proud Emperor of Eternity will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of The Proud Emperor of Eternity.
Where to watch The Proud Emperor of Eternity ?
Episodes of The Proud Emperor of Eternity are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of The Proud Emperor of Eternity available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.
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