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The Secrets of Star Divine Arts Characters and Plot
Chen Xing is the young head of the Chen family in Dongyang City. Both his parents died. He could have succeeded him as the head of the family when he came of age, but was assassinated by Chen Sheng, the ambitious acting head of the family, in order to occupy the magpie nest. Who would have thought that Chen Xing would survive the catastrophe, accidentally obtain the long-lost supreme skill “The Ancient Star God Technique”, and learn some of the moves, come back strong, expose Chen Sheng’s ugly face, and imprison him. The matter was put aside for the time being. Chen Xing took precautions and carefully studied the “Ancient Star God Technique” to collect the star beasts needed for the technique and grow rapidly.
Chen Xing adalah pemimpin muda keluarga Chen di Kota Dongyang. Kedua orang tuanya meninggal. Dia bisa saja menggantikannya sebagai kepala keluarga ketika dia sudah dewasa, tetapi dibunuh oleh Chen Sheng, penjabat kepala keluarga yang ambisius, untuk menempati sarang murai. Siapa yang mengira bahwa Chen Xing akan selamat dari malapetaka, secara tidak sengaja memperoleh keterampilan tertinggi “Teknik Dewa Bintang Kuno” yang telah lama hilang, dan mempelajari beberapa gerakan, kembali kuat, memperlihatkan wajah jelek Chen Sheng, dan memenjarakannya. Masalah ini dikesampingkan untuk sementara waktu. Chen Xing mengambil tindakan pencegahan dan dengan cermat mempelajari “Teknik Dewa Bintang Kuno” untuk mengumpulkan monster bintang yang diperlukan untuk teknik ini dan berkembang pesat.
The Secrets of Star Divine Arts Release Date
The Secrets of Star Divine Arts will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of The Secrets of Star Divine Arts.
Where to watch The Secrets of Star Divine Arts ?
Episodes of The Secrets of Star Divine Arts are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of The Secrets of Star Divine Arts available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.
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