Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] - donghua anime - animexin
Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] - donghua anime - animexin
Rating 10

Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] Anime

Watch donghua anime Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] eng sub, indo sub, download donghua anime Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] eng sub, indo sub for free.
Other Name: 临渊行
Released: Jul 28, 2023
Duration: 20 Minute
Type: ONA
Fansub: Animexin Offical
Posted by: Animexin
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Synopsis Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] donghua anime

Watch online full hd Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] stream , 临渊行 multi subtitles on for free and enjoy the story of Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing]

Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] Characters and Plot


The blind adolescent Su Yun was raised in Tianmen Town, the Sky City, Yuanshuo Country, in an outlying rural wasteland. He followed a fox to study the ancient texts.

Su Yun, encouraged by Qiu Shuijing, left Tianmen Town to study at Shuofang City, but unintentionally became entangled in a plot that had been hatched 150 years earlier.

The Seven Great Families, the Old Master of Shuobei, the Sage of Shuofang, the Great Emperor of the Eastern Capital… Let’s witness how Su Yun topples this “chessboard” and defends one side of the people when numerous forces are competing for control and profit and putting the populace in peril.


Di kota Tianmen, provinsi Yuanshuo, seorang pemuda bernama Su Yun tumbuh besar di daerah terpencil di pedesaan ini dengan kehilangan penglihatan sejak kecil. Ia belajar dari seekor rubah tentang Kitab Suci Kuno.

Guru Besar Tian Dao Yuan, Qiu Shuijing, mengundurkan diri dari jabatannya dan bersembunyi di kota Shuofang. Di Tianmen, ia bertemu dengan Su Yun dan mengajarkan ajaran baru kepadanya untuk membantu memulihkan penglihatannya. Kemudian Su Yun mengetahui bahwa enam tahun yang lalu, peristiwa dahsyat di Tianmen menyebabkannya menjadi buta dan menjadikan area sekitar ratusan kilometer menjadi daerah terlarang.

Dengan dorongan dari Qiu Shuijing, Su Yun meninggalkan Tianmen dan pergi ke kota Shuofang untuk menuntut ilmu, tanpa disadari ia terjebak dalam konspirasi yang telah disusun 150 tahun yang lalu. Kaisar Timur, tokoh tua di utara Shuofang, Santo Shuofang, tujuh keluarga besar… Ketika berbagai kekuatan saling berebut kekuasaan dan mengorbankan rakyat, lihatlah bagaimana Su Yun menggulingkan “papan catur” ini dan melindungi rakyatnya

Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] Subtitle Indonesia, English, Portuguese, Turkish, Spanish, Italian, Polish, Arabic, Thai, German

Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] Release Date

Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] will air on April 23, 2023. It is a Sunday anime series by Bilibili. The new episode will be out at 10 am in China. Global anime fans keep track of the time zone details to enjoy the latest episode of Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing].

Where to watch Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] ?

Episodes of Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] are available through the Bilibili app. The MadeByBilibili YouTube channel has episodes of Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing] available for viewing. For now, fans can watch it on Animexin here.

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Trip to the Abyss [Linyuan Xing]

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